Viele Hände aufeinandergelegt, um Zusammenhalt und Stärke ind er Gemeinscahft zu symbolisieren
Worth knowing

Inspired by altruism: Altruan's contribution to charity in the field of hygiene & care

The International day of charity Will be on every year September 5th committed. This day was (un) established by the United Nations in order to raise awareness of the importance of charity and to emphasize the role of charity organizations and individuals who are involved in the community.

    Goals of the international day of charity

    • Promotion of solidarity: The day should encourage people to work for disadvantaged communities and show solidarity.
    • Sensitization: It offers a platform to raise awareness of urgent social, economic and ecological challenges.
    • Promotion of volunteer work: Key activity not only includes financial donations, but also volunteer work and sharing time and resources to help others.

    Activities and meaning

    • Fundraising: Charity organizations often organize donations on September 5 to support projects and programs.
    • Volunteer work: Many people use the day to work voluntarily in their community, be it in soup kitchens, working with homeless or in environmental protection projects.
    • Raise awareness: Social media campaigns and events are organized to promote awareness of charitable projects and the value of altruism.
    various options for charity

    Forms of charity: how you can become active yourself

    There are many forms of charity in which individuals can actively participate. These range from direct support from the needy to volunteer work and donations. Here are different ways of how you can be charitable as an individual:

    Financial donations

    • Donate to non -profit organizations: You can donate regularly or once to charity organizations that work for social, health or ecological purposes. Examples are organizations such as the German Red Cross, Unicef, Caritas or the Tables.
    • Support crowdfunding: You can promote projects via platforms such as Gofundme or Betterplace that support non -profit or humanitarian purposes.

    Donations in kind

    • Donate clothes: Donate well -preserved clothing to organizations such as the clothing store or the Caritas who pass on them to the needy.
    • Food donations: Donate durable foods on plates or food banks that provide people with food.
    • Furniture and household goods: Donation furniture or household items at charity organizations that help people in difficult situations.

    Volunteer work

    • Support social institutions: Get involved in soup kitchens, old people's homes, homeless accommodation or daycare centers.
    • Environmental protection projects: Take tree planting campaigns, cleanup campaigns in parks or other environmental protection initiatives that protect and maintain nature.
    • Disaster: Register as a volunteer in natural disasters or humanitarian crises, be it on site or through logistical support.

    Donate time

    • Mentoring: Supporting people who have to master professional or personal challenges by acting as a mentor or consultant.
    • Visits to senior citizens: Visit older people in nursing homes who have no family or friends to afford them and combat loneliness.
    • Neighborhood aid: Help your neighbors in everyday tasks such as shopping, gardening or childcare, especially if they are limited older or health.

    Blood and organ donation

    • Blood donation: Regular blood donations can save lives. In Germany you can z. B. do the German Red Cross.
    • Organ donation: You can register as an organ donor to give other people a second chance of life in the event of your death.

    Share education and knowledge

    • give tutoring: Offer free tutoring or educational support for children and adolescents from disadvantaged conditions.
    • Offer workshops: Share your knowledge and skills in areas such as technology, finance, languages ​​or craft to help people improve their situation.

    Support social initiatives

    • activism: Start for human rights, environmental protection or social justice by taking part in campaigns or signing petitions.
    • Use social media: Share important messages about non -profit projects or problems in your community to sharpen consciousness and motivate others to get involved.

      Creative charity

      • Organize fundraising events: Organize charity events such as flea markets, cake sales, benefit concerts or sports tournaments to collect donations for charitable purposes.
      • Donate art and craft: Create works of art, handicrafts or other creative products that can be sold in favor of charitable organizations.

      Sustainable consumption and fairtrade

      • Consciously shop: Support companies that offer sustainable and fairly traded products and reduce your consumption of environmentally harmful products.
      • Recycling and reuse: Donation or recycle old objects instead of throwing them away and promoting sustainable consumption behavior in your environment.


      Charity and altruism in comparison
      These two terms are closely related and are optimally accompanied by each other. Nevertheless, they differ in certain aspects, so both are not to be used synonymously. But where exactly are the differences?

      aspect Charity altruism
      definition Concrete actions to support the needy Selfless action in favor of others, without expecting a consideration
      focus Practical help through donations, volunteer work or support The inner motivation to help others, regardless of the type of action
      Application Often geared towards certain organizations or projects Widely caught, can be visible in small, everyday actions
      Expectation Often combined with visible results or recognition No expectation of recognition or consideration
      motivation Empathy and the need to solve concrete problems A fundamental ethical or moral principle
      Relationship with organizations Is often supported by non -profit organizations and foundations Can be practiced individually, without institutional framework
      Social role Aims to relieve acute emergency situations Wider concept that also includes everyday selflessness

      Altruan logo        

      Altruan and altruism: the guiding principle

      Altruism means putting the well -being of other people about their own interests. For Altruan As a company, this value is reflected in the provision of high-quality hygiene and health products, which are of crucial importance for the protection of health and well-being of the community. This is shown in several areas:

      • Key activity as a basic principle: Altruan can contribute to charity by providing hygiene and health products by providing products to hospitals, inpatient or outpatient care facilities. These actions rely on the altruistic value to help others, especially in emergencies or crisis situations. Especially in the founding period 2021 during Covid 19 pandemic, the rapid provision of protective clothing and quick tests was of great importance for both health facilities and for the general population. Since then, the product range has been expanded many times over to meet the needs of the health sector.

      • Access to hygiene for everyone: Hygiene products are essential for health and well -being, especially in times of pandemics or in regions in which access to clean water and adequate hygiene measures are restricted. Altruan As a wholesaler, helps to make these products available at affordable prices, which is an important contribution to public health and charity. In this way, Altruan can position itself as a socially responsible company that sees access to basic hygiene articles for all people as a form of charity.

      • Raise awareness: Altruan can contribute to the promotion of hygiene and health in society by making a contribution to the prevention of diseases with education and transfer of knowledge through the advisory function. 


      Altruan box

      What is the Altruan Nursing Box and how does it support you on care?

      The Altruan Nursing Box Is a practical and comprehensive supply package worth 40 per month€ for people who are dependent on care and are entitled to nursing aids. Via the nursing box, people in need of care and their relatives can be delivered to home for free every month. The service is aimed at everyone who is in a recognized degree of care (care level 1 to 5) and are treated home. 

      Advantages of the Altruan Nursing Box

        • Free provision of nursing aids The Altruan PflegeBox provides people in need of care for people with important nursing average monthly. The costs are billed directly with the long -term care funds, so that neither those in need of care nor their relatives are financially charged. This relieves caring relatives and ensures that people in need have access to the nursing aids they need to get their quality of life.
        • Support of those in need of care By providing essential nursing aids such as disinfectants, one -gloves and bed protection inlays, the Altruan PflegeBox contributes to the well -being and health of people in need of care. Access to these products not only improves the quality of care, but also helps to prevent infections and diseases, which is particularly important in the home care environment.
        • Relief of the nursing staff: Altruan takes over the organization and delivery of the nursing aids, which relieves caring relatives. This altruistic support is particularly valuable, since nurses are often under high pressure and receive practical help in everyday life through the care box. By facilitating access to nursing aids, Altruan shows the company Empathy and care Compared to those who take care of others.
        • Easy application and processing: The simple and quick application for the care box, in which Altruan takes over the entire handling with the long -term care insurance companies, makes it easier for people in need of care and their relatives to receive the necessary aids. This service -oriented attitude shows the commitment to make the everyday life of those in need of care and nurses as uncomplicated as possible.
        • Improvement of quality of life The Altruan PflegeBox contributes directly to the improvement of the quality of life of people who are dependent on care. By regularly providing basic nursing aids, the maintenance effort is reduced and a healthy, hygienic environment is created, which is particularly important for older or chronically ill people.
        • Quality products: Altruan offers high -quality nursing aids that correspond to the current hygienic standards and facilitate everyday life for nurses.

        This is how the Altruan Nursing Box works:

        • Submit the application: Applying the care box is online via the website. Altruan takes over the handling with the nursing care fund.

        • Select nursing aids: The necessary care aids can be selected individually according to the needs of the person in need of care.

        • Free delivery: The care box is delivered to your home free of charge every month, and Altruan takes care of the timely delivery of the nursing aids.

          The interface between charity and the business model of Altruan lies in altruistic action by providing hygiene products that improve the quality of life of people and protect their health. Through his activities, Altruan helps to promote the well -being of people in different areas of life.


          How present is the aspect of charity in Germany?

          Growing willingness to donate:

          • According to the German Donation Council, the willingness to donate in Germany has increased continuously in recent decades. Especially in times of crisis, such as natural disasters or humanitarian crises, there is an increased willingness to donate. In 2022, the Germans donated a total of around 5.7 billion euros to charitable organizations.
          • Especially in pandemic, support for social and health projects, such as for hospitals or tables, increased food to the needy.

          Increased commitment in volunteering

          • Around 31 million people in Germany are regularly involved in non -profit areas such as sports, culture, social affairs and environmental protection. Volunteering is a supporting pillar of charity and is becoming increasingly important, in particular through the aging of society and the need for social services.
          • Younger generations are increasingly involved in environmental protection and climate projects as well as in social networks and movements to promote changes in society.

          Increase in digital charity

          • Online donations and crowdfunding platforms are becoming increasingly popular. They make it easier for people to support charity and finance projects quickly.
          • Digital technologies have also increased the transparency of donation projects, since organizations can document their projects online and pursue donors.

          International engagement

          • German charity organizations are heavily involved at the global level, especially in disaster relief, development aid and refugee projects. Large organizations such as German Welthungerhilfe, Misereor and the Aktion Germany help contribute significantly to global charity.
          • The pressure on companies to get involved internationally in CSR projects has also increased. Many German companies donate to educational, health or environmental projects in developing and emerging countries.

          Focus on sustainability and social justice

          • In recent years, the focus of charity in Germany has increasingly involved issues such as social justice, sustainability and climate protection. Donors and volunteers focus more on long -term solutions that cause sustainable changes, such as promoting educational projects, the establishment of infrastructures or supporting projects to combat climate change.

          Challenges and trends

          • Demographic change: The aging population in Germany means that more people are dependent on support, especially in the health and care sector. At the same time, there is an increasing need for volunteers in these areas.

          • Integration and inclusion: With the increasing migration figures in Germany, the focus is more on charity in the field of integration and inclusion. Many non -profit organizations are working to integrate migrants and refugees into society, be it through educational projects or social support.

          Let's pull a current one for ourselves Résumé

          Key activity is much more than just financial donations - it is an expression of empathy and responsibility, which directly contributes to improving the life of people in need. Whether with the support of charitable organizations, volunteer work or everyday helpfulness, every form of charity helps to make the world a bit more fair and human. Especially in times of crises and global challenges, it can be seen how important the commitment of individual and entire communities is in order to act in solidarity and to cause sustainable changes. 

          Your contribution counts, no matter how big or small it seems. By becoming active yourself, they not only show empathy, but also contribute to a world in which solidarity and helpfulness are very important. Take this opportunity to make a difference - because together we can do great things.

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